spotted mr daniel tay?! LOL
afiq birthday!!
and mr chew glory moment! but too bad cause tt day raining so mr chew have to deliver the speech 'indoor' LOL!
see! fish do too many tys untill so tired lo! must learn more frm her la!!!!
HEY! have you all heard of the upcoming graduation night or day or whatever?! and it's coming and teacher are open to suggestions for activities for eg.singing perform or what? and you all got any idea jiu tell haziqah!
andand please send me you all de grp photo or whatsoever! and i will save it all tgr then give it to miss tan! please send me by this weekend yoyoyo! :D
and here's some photo to spice up our blog..
did i blog abt alton's competition on this blog b4? aiya forget liao ! nehmind jus repost or what @_@
enthu haziqah!
and please rmb 4f played 'beach ball babes' volleyball tgr very happily at ytd pe lessons! :D it will be part of our memories :D
lastly! ..jiayou jiayou jiayou! mus have ''beach ball babes'' spirits LOL
andandand.. although there are no more block test liao but don forget PRELIM! cominggggg! once your best !