Remember the times,when we celebrated each other's birthdayswhen we went against teacherswhen we ate recess in classwhen we sang Graduation in the buswhen we all had fun at Wild Wild Wetwhen we throw paperballs and dirty the floorswhen we made Mr Fahmy crywhen we made teachers angry & disappointed with uswhen we did badly for exams & the principal had to talk to uswhen we got all emo last year EOYwhen we hoped that the whole class will promote togetherwhen we played PE togetherwhen we complained when Mr Chew wanted to change our seatswhen we organised outingswhen we got all slacked during the extended curriculumwhen we took numerous class photos as onewhen we cried together during Adam Khoo's workshopwhen we all wanted to find out how Adam Khoo looked likewhen we went on stage to talk about how we loved our parentswhen we laughed at stupid jokeswhen we share tidbits that we've boughtwhen we got our class tee (thx to Dawn)when we supported each other at Montagewhen we went to Pizza Hut to celebrate CNYwhen we 'lou hei'-ed in classwhen we bought gifts during Valentines'when we wrote in entries to encourage each otherwhen we won in the Science Quizwhen we went to collect newspapers for CIPwhen we acted out a skit for Ms Wongwhen we were told off by Mr Chew to start studyingThe list goes on, the memories staysTime wait for No man, people.In a blink of an eye, it's been 5 months since 2008 had started.
We may afford to play last year because it was the Honeymoon year, but not this year. We will truly regret if we don't buck up and do well for O's.
Just persevere for the leftover 4-5 months and
it's all over.Mid year is over, get over it if you don't do well.
It's the big O's that is important.
We're left with blocktests & Prelims to practice and keep trying.
Do not give up, You're not alone.Come on, get into the study mode by NOW if you haven't yet. The Mother Tongue paper is here in 8 more days.
You might as well score for it and then concentrate on the other subjects.
Nothing is impossible as long as You try.
- Alyssa (R)